Trainer: SA Mathieson
If you’re among the approximately 5 million people who leave their self-assessment tax return to the last month before the deadline, then this course is for you. The tax return deadline for the 2022-23 financial year is 31 January, so if you were working as a self-employed freelancer on or before 5 April 2023, you may have to file a return (check here:
This course is designed to help you finish that return, as well as turn over a new leaf to get ahead with next year’s earlier and more efficiently and get organised for a time when you may have to file four times a year.
You can also find out more about whether working through a company, registering for VAT and using an accountant. Tax is often taxing, but you can make it feel less so.
About the trainer: SA Mathieson runs courses for the NUJ on starting as a freelancer as well as lecturing and training on data journalism for universities and employers. He works as a freelance journalist and editor.
The Welsh and Scottish governments can set different income tax rates to those used in England and Northern Ireland. At present the Welsh Government has chosen to stick with the English and Northern Irish rates, although the Scottish Government has diverged. As the tax system works in a very similar way in all four nations, this course will work for freelancers working in Wales and across the UK.
Please be aware that we can only provide general guidance. If you need personal tax advice you may need to approach an accountant or another suitably qualified professional.