Eco-friendly. Carbon neutral. Climate positive. Green jargon is everywhere, but so much of it is greenwash.
A raft of new and upcoming measures, such as the Green Claims Code in the UK and the EU Green Claims Directive, are designed to stop companies and organisations using green jargon that might mislead the public. Anybody working with sustainability communications must ensure their brands and organisations are transparent and accountable for their climate impacts.
There have already been some rulings and some of the examples might surprise you – from factual claims that fail the test because they don’t disclose everything a company is doing, to general messaging that doesn’t pass muster because specific products aren’t mentioned. Even major corporations such as Tesco, H&M, Toyota and Ryanair have been found guilty of greenwashing in their storytelling. It can be a minefield. Falling foul of these rules can have big implications, from reputational damage to hefty fines.
Experienced green journalist and comms specialist Rachel England will guide you through the thicket, with a one-hour course that outlines everything comms, PR and social media professionals need to know about greenwashing. You’ll learn about the latest legislation as well as the common pitfalls and how to avoid them, so that impactful sustainability stories can shine. The course will also be useful for journalists looking to understand more about the press releases they are sent, greenwashing and the rules.
About the trainer
Rachel England has worked in climate and sustainability communications for over 15 years. Working with brands, SMEs and NGOs, she reports on the latest climate trends and policy, and helps companies tell impactful sustainability stories that inspire positive action for people and planet.