Course Details

CIPR training – by arrangement only


March / 31 / Wed  @   -  March / 31 / Wed  @ 



NUJ members resident in Wales £POA
Members of other unions resident in Wales £POA
Non-union members resident in Wales £POA
Non-residents of Wales £POA


Email :

NUJ Training Wales is offering a limited number of subsidised places on CIPR courses. This is a pilot project for Wales residents only, and places are already full for the current year.

If you are interested in similar opportunities that may become available in future, please email [email protected], giving your name, current role, and describing why a CIPR qualification would help you develop your career.

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Upcoming Events

March / 13 / Thu

Shoot and Edit Mobile Video

Cardiff - venue TBC

March / 14 / Fri

Hands-on with AI: Tools, tips and techniques for content creators

Cardiff - venue TBC

May / 2 / Fri

Online Coaching & Mentoring Certificate (4 x 2.5hr online sessions)


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NUJ Training Cymru Wales